Thursday 28 February 2013

Life in NZ Compared to Life on Kapo Island

Our donations to Caritas are used to help people on Kapo Island in Papua New Guinea.

Sunday 24 February 2013


Strong, lazy, proud and brave
Daughter of Larrisa and Joseph
Lover of horses, cats and dogs
Who feels excited, joyful, like a giver
Who needs smiles, juice and my family
Who gives happiness, smiles and presents
Who fears rats, spiders and bullies
Who would like  a horse, a farm and more friends
Who comes from New Zealand
Who lives in Ngaruawahia

Thursday 14 February 2013


Today is Shrove Tuesday. This morning, we burnt last year's Palm Sunday palms to ash so Father Keane can use them on Ash Wednesday to make the Sign of   the  Cross on our forehead  and remind us to follow Jesus.
After swimming,  Olivina from Caritas Tonga came to say thank you St Paul's Catholic School for your contributions of money. Olivina told us that Tonga has to sell things so that their kids can go to school and get clothes and food because Tonga is a small place and it is a poor place and there are many people living in Tonga. You can make lots of  things with Mulberry trees just like what Olivina has around her hips. At Caritas, they help people in Tonga and other people around the world.                                                                                                                                    

Thursday 7 February 2013


 Last week, I went to my nan's. I saw my cousin. We washed the car and tried to go on the computer but we had to do the password.We played in the shed because we got were bored. After that, I went home to play with my cat.

Waitangi Day

Waitangi Day is about when New Zealand became a nation, and 500 Maori chiefs and representatives of the Queen signed the Treaty. Waitangi Day is a holiday for New Zealanders. It was signed in February 6, 1840. 
On Waitangi Day this year, I was helping my grandad with the car so that they would know where to park. I saw Sarah and Chelsea and they were helping too. They got me a hot dog, then we went on the playground. I saw my cousin and she gave me an ice cream.  I saw my uncle then we went to see my nan at work.