On Friday, my school and I went to watch the El Grego show in the hall. El Grego teaches children not to bully.
My favourite part was when El Grego tried to make a bird come out of a bucket. He invited someone from the audience up on the stage to help with his trick. He invited a girl called Hunter Rose up to help him. El Grego and his wife, Sue, got Hunter Rose a magic wand and said, “It better work,” but nothing came out of the bucket. They got her a bigger and bigger and bigger wand. The next wand they got out was so big Hunter Rose couldn’t hold the wand by herself so El Grego’s assistant, Sue, came out and helped her. Hunter Rose said, “It better work,” again.
They looked inside and saw a toy bird. It came out. El Grego said to everyone, “Don’t you want a real bird?”
The audience yelled out, “Yes!” so El Grego told Hunter Rose to say, “It better work,” so Hunter Rose did. A real live bird came out. Her name was Ruby. She had red and grey feathers. El Grego told everyone that Ruby would say anything she could hear. El Grego asked Hunter Rose if she wanted to pat Ruby. Hunter Rose said, “Yes.”
When the magic trick was over, El Grego asked Hunter Rose if she wanted an ipad.
Hunter Rose said, “Yes.”
Instead of getting one of those touch screen ipads Hunter Rose got an writing pad with googly eyes on it. The audience laughed with amusement.