When we were ready, Elgrego began his magic by making birds appear. He opened a book with a picture of a bird in it and told us that he would make the bird come out of the book. He snapped his fingers and said, "It better work. It better work." In one moment, the bird came out. Everyone was so amazed. After he lit a box on fire he made a bird appear. It was so amazing.
Next, he performed a magic trick with fizzy raspberry drink.
He put the drink in a plastic cup and put it into an ups and downs box. He closed the lid and tipped it upside down and turned it side ways. He opened it and the drink had not spilt anywhere. The whole school clapped.
After the drink trick, we watched Elgrego talk with See More, the baby green dinosaur. See More was sad because everyone was picking on him, so Elgrego said we should sing a song, and that cheered Seemore up, and everyone clapped.
Finally, Elgregoe did the trick of walking through a brick wall.
Before he started, he put a big purple blanket around the brick wall and he said, "It better work. It better work." In one second, he pushed really hard and he came through the brick wall. It was incredible.
That's a great story. Laekin, your story gives me a better picture in my head.