You can watch our movie at this link.
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Rock This Party
Today my class went into the hall to learn a new dance called Rock This Party. Kate was teaching us and she taught us different dance moves each time she told us to sit down. I thought it was awesome and fun.
You can see our dance on our class blog at
Monday, 2 December 2013
Sunday, 1 December 2013
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Pictures in the Mind
I have been practising using words that give readers pictures in their minds.
On Tuesday, my school had our Athletics Day. We did some events like high jump, long jump and sprints.
The first event I did was high jump. We had to get into an order of names and line up in that order for high jump. When we started, I had to scissor kick over the skinny small bar and onto the big blue plastic high jump mat. I ran quickly to the bar and scissor-kicked really high like I was jumping on a trampoline. The more times everyone went over the pole, it got higher and higher like a big mountain. When it got too easy to jump over, Karly, who was organising high jump, lifted the bar higher. It started to get challenging for me because it got too high for me to jump over. I got really nervous as the pole got higher. I was as nervous as a pile of snow going to fall off a cliff. Some of the other girls had to sit down and watch Madeline and me because we were the only ones that never made a mistake in some of the first turns. At last, Madeline won the high jump because I could not jump the bar as high as she could. When it was time to finish Mr K rang the siren, the siren was as loud as the fire alarm ringing. It was time to move to the next event.
Well done, Laekin. I am getting pictures in my mind as I read your recount. I can't see the mat in my mind. Can you please describe it for me.
Friday, 22 November 2013
Tau Ke Night
Yesterday, my school had a Tau Ke night. All the classes did a performance.
First, we went into the library to wait to perform. Mrs Craven let us watch a movie, Robots. We waited five minutes then we went outside around the back of the hall and waited in the kitchen. I felt bored with all the waiting. First, Room 5 performed. Lots of us were looking in a little gap in the curtains and watching them.
Next, my class performed. I was really nervous when I went on stage. We sang a song called Haere Mai and we did actions to it. After we finished that song, we got some rakau sticks and performed another waiata. I wasn't that nervous because I was not facing the audience, instead I was facing my partner. The waiata was called E Papa Waiari. I had to concentrate really hard because I didn't want to drop my stick down off the stage. We went off the stage quietly after we had finished. We went down onto the floor in the hall and watched all the other performances. Room 3 performed and sang Toia. I remember singing that song when I was in Room 3.
When Room 3 had finished, Rooms 1 and 2 performed. They sang a song and did the haka. They were really loud like a lion roaring. They were really funny because the song was funny.
Finally, Years 5, 6, 7 and 8 performed. They sang four songs and performed a haka.
Kapa Haka,
New Zealand,
rakau sticks,
Tau Ke,
Monday, 11 November 2013
Athletics Day
Yesterday, my whole school had our Athletics Day. We had to do lots of activities like high jump, discus, shot put, long jump and sprints.
First, we got ready. First, we all had to go onto the court. We all had to sit in our houses and line up. It was a beautiful sunny day. We all huddled up like swarms of bees. We practised our chants and said them out loud. The sun was as bright as a light-bolt shining in the air. All of us said our chants, then we had to walk around the field. After we walked around the field, we had to go do our activities in our age groups.
Next, we did vortex. Before we did vortex, we had to sit in two different lines. All the boys lined up in their lines and all the girls lined up as well. First, the boys started throwing the vortex because some of the girls didn’t know how to throw it. The vortex zoomed through the air like an eagle chasing its prey. It went as high as a rocket in space and like an airplane flying in the big blue sky.
Next, we swapped over and did some discus. The discus was as wide as an apple. Before we did discus, one of the teachers had to write our names on a piece of paper and put us in order. We all got to have a practise.. Everyone threw the discus really far. I threw the discus 12.62 metres far. I came first in discus. I was really happy. After we finished discus, we had to sit down and wait for everyone to throw.
Finally, we did sprints. When we did sprints, I was really nervous. I had butterflies in my tummy. When Mr Emmes shot the toy gun for us to start, it was as loud as fireworks. I had to run 50m. All of us ran as fast as darts spinning in the air. When I got to the end, I came third place. I was really proud of myself. Next, we had to run 80m. When the gun shot in the air everyone ran as fast as cheetahs. Madeline was really fast and she came first and I came third again. It was the end of racing. It was really fun but really tiring.
Saturday, 26 October 2013
The Cat That Got Stuck Up In A Tree
Long ago, there lived a family with two children. The two children's names were Emily and Harry. They both loved watching TV and playing board games. They had an adorable kitten named Mittens. Mittens followed anyone she saw.
One day, the two children went to the park to play so Mittens followed them. She saw a gigantic tree. She saw a dog coming straight towards her but she had nowhere to go so she quickly ran up the tree. Mittens did not realize how naughty she was going to the park. One second the children saw a cat in the tree. They just realized that it was their cat. Emily and Harry ran home to tell their parents so they got a ladder. They ran back to the park to get their cat down. They put the ladder up gently and safely got their cat down. The family was cheering saying Hurrah Hurrah!!!!!! They went home and celebrated with a delicious blueberry pie.
Well done, Laekin. You have followed the structure of a narrative - orientation, followed by events leading to a problem, then events leading to the solution, and you have used descriptive words in your story. You described the tree as gigantic and the blueberry pie as delicious (adjectives) and you described how Mittens ran up the tree - quickly - and that they put the ladder up against the tree - safely and gently - (adverbs). Add more adjectives by describing Mittens and the dog.
8 year old,
cat story,
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Holy Week
On Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey that had never been ridden before. People were shouting out, saying, "Hosanna to the king."
Next, it was the Last Supper. Jesus and his friends were having a meal together. Jesus held up the bread and thanked God for it. He said, "This is My Body," then he shared it with them. He held up the cup, thanked God for it, then said, "This is My Blood." He shared it with His friends.
Next, it was the Last Supper. Jesus and his friends were having a meal together. Jesus held up the bread and thanked God for it. He said, "This is My Body," then he shared it with them. He held up the cup, thanked God for it, then said, "This is My Blood." He shared it with His friends.
Saturday, 21 September 2013
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Saturday, 31 August 2013
Why My Grandad is the Best
loves me so much because I give him directions and make him lunch when he’s
hungry. He takes me jogging with him and he takes me to the races because
I like horses.
works at Spring Hill Prison but he doesn’t let me go there because kids aren’t
allowed there because it is a prison.
When I
sometimes get bored, he comes over and plays with me. We play netball and
Snakes and Ladders. When I go to after school care, he picks me up and
takes me home to have dinner and rest up for the next day.
That’s why I
love my Grandad.
Monday, 5 August 2013
My Wonderful Mother
My wonderful mother looks after me when I am sick. She gives me milo if I am cold and puts a blanket over me. She checks my head if I am hot. She will let me eat in bed so that I don't get cold.

My wonderful mother gives me lots of information about netball. Sometimes, she will tell me to stick with my partner or get into space. After my game, my mum lets me buy something at the shop because she is really proud of me.
My wonderful mother helps me when I am hurt. When she sees me hurt, she goes and gets a plaster or a bandage so that it will heal. She tells me to be careful so that I don't get hurt again. I say thank you to her for helping me.Wednesday, 3 July 2013
What Foxes Are
Foxes have gingered coloured fur and long tails. They have small legs and long bodies. They have small fluffy ears and a short necks.
Where Foxes Live
Foxes eat birds, rabbit, mice, earthworms, insects, eggs and fruit. They eat chickens too. Foxes will sometimes chase their food, like a rabbit or a mouse. Whichever one it chooses to chase, it will lie down and wait for it to come. When it spots one, it will sneak up behind it then it will pounce on it.
Foxes are wild animals that are like dogs.
What Foxes Look Like
What Foxes Look Like

Foxes live in countries, such as Australia, Philippines, China, America, Greenland and Japan.
What Foxes Eat

When it is time for the vixen to have her cubs, she will spread leaves and bits of hair all around the floor of the den to make a warm bed. When the cubs are born, they keep their eyes closed for ten days then they will open their eyes.
Foxes' Dangers
Some of the foxes' dangers are a golden eagle, bobcat, snakes, bears, the red tail hawk, wolves, the rough legged hawk and the worst one of all, are humans.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Breakfast Cereals
Today I found out about breakfast cereals and that you should have a breakfast with less than 15 grams of sugar, less than 10 grams of fat and more than 5 grams of fiber. Here are some cereals with all three things - WeetBix and porridge. You can also add fruit to your cornflakes. Our have toast with your spaghetti. You should never have no breakfast because your body will be too tired to learn and work, so that’s why we have breakfast. You should not have Nutrigrain or Coco Pops every morning because they have lots of sugar in them so we should look at the labels to make sure that they have all have all of the three things.
Monday, 17 June 2013
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Zero Waste
It is important to reuse, recycle, reduce and compost so that we don't keep adding to the landfill. Every month, New Zealand makes a rugby field long and 30 class rooms high of rubbish. We can reuse our old things and make it into something like a house, a creature and a pencil holder.
Monday, 27 May 2013
When we were ready, Elgrego began his magic by making birds appear. He opened a book with a picture of a bird in it and told us that he would make the bird come out of the book. He snapped his fingers and said, "It better work. It better work." In one moment, the bird came out. Everyone was so amazed. After he lit a box on fire he made a bird appear. It was so amazing.
Next, he performed a magic trick with fizzy raspberry drink.
He put the drink in a plastic cup and put it into an ups and downs box. He closed the lid and tipped it upside down and turned it side ways. He opened it and the drink had not spilt anywhere. The whole school clapped.
After the drink trick, we watched Elgrego talk with See More, the baby green dinosaur. See More was sad because everyone was picking on him, so Elgrego said we should sing a song, and that cheered Seemore up, and everyone clapped.
Finally, Elgregoe did the trick of walking through a brick wall.
Before he started, he put a big purple blanket around the brick wall and he said, "It better work. It better work." In one second, he pushed really hard and he came through the brick wall. It was incredible.
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
When I Got An Ice Cream

When we got to the shop, I got an ice cream. I got a tropical ice cream and it was really cold. I took a big bite and it gave me brain freeze. It was really expensive and it was really colourful.The colours were yellow and orange.I ate it all with big bites. It was really yummy.
After I had eaten my ice cream, I went home.
Monday, 15 April 2013
A Fishy Tale
One cloudy day, some people went fishing on a skiing boat. The
leader caught a whale and the others just caught shoes and tiny fish.
It said, “There’s gold at the deepest part of the ocean."
tried to get the gold but it was too far down. He tried for months and
years but he still did not get it.
On their way back, he found a coin and
there were millions of coins. He collected all of them and spent the
money on diamonds. He was the richest man on earth!
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Saturday, 23 March 2013
Ocean Beach

It was a cloudy and a windy day. The waves were loud like a whistle. It was so windy, the sand was stinging my feet.
It was too cold to go for a swim. I started digging holes for shells and I found a lot of looking shells.
After that, I took the sea shells home and got an ice cream. I had a blue berry boysenberry ice cream and I took the sea shells home and I had a good day.
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Yesterday, my school and I went to swimming sports in Ngaruawahia.
When we got to the pools, all of us had to get changed for the swimming sports to start. When I was in the changing room, I felt like I was the only one getting changed because there weren’t many people in the changing room. When I came out of the changing room, lots of people were so loud, my ears felt like they were going to pop like a balloon. Next, the rain came. It felt cold like a popsicle in a cold freezer. When Mr Emms blew the whistle to get in the pool, the rain warmed the pool up, like warm socks. When it was time to start, people were cheering so I listened and went as fast as a running panther. When I got to the finish line, I came 1st place. I felt proud of myself. I think I really improved yesterday.
When we got to the pools, all of us had to get changed for the swimming sports to start. When I was in the changing room, I felt like I was the only one getting changed because there weren’t many people in the changing room. When I came out of the changing room, lots of people were so loud, my ears felt like they were going to pop like a balloon. Next, the rain came. It felt cold like a popsicle in a cold freezer. When Mr Emms blew the whistle to get in the pool, the rain warmed the pool up, like warm socks. When it was time to start, people were cheering so I listened and went as fast as a running panther. When I got to the finish line, I came 1st place. I felt proud of myself. I think I really improved yesterday.
Monday, 4 March 2013
Proper Nouns
This morning, we learned about Proper Nouns. Proper Nouns are special names given to ordinary names for people, streets, animals and pets. Also, lots of other things you can think of. Sometimes in my class, we usually forget to start Proper Nouns with capital letters. Now we can remember to start our Proper Nouns with capital letters in our writing. Proper Nouns can be fun because you can name lots of things.
So here are some examples.
Your cat's name... Rufus
Your dad's name... Joseph
Your mum's name... Larrisa
Your street's name... Ellery St
Your dog's name... Montey
Your school's name... St Paul's
Your country's name... New Zealand
So here are some examples.
Your cat's name... Rufus
Your dad's name... Joseph
Your mum's name... Larrisa
Your street's name... Ellery St
Your dog's name... Montey
Your school's name... St Paul's
Your country's name... New Zealand
Friday, 1 March 2013
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Strong, lazy, proud and brave
Daughter of Larrisa and Joseph
Lover of horses, cats and dogs
Who feels excited, joyful, like a giverWho needs smiles, juice and my family
Who gives happiness, smiles and presents
Who fears rats, spiders and bullies
Who would like a horse, a farm and more friends
Who comes from New Zealand
Who lives in Ngaruawahia
Strong, lazy, proud and brave
Daughter of Larrisa and Joseph
Lover of horses, cats and dogs
Who feels excited, joyful, like a giverWho needs smiles, juice and my family
Who gives happiness, smiles and presents
Who fears rats, spiders and bullies
Who would like a horse, a farm and more friends
Who comes from New Zealand
Who lives in Ngaruawahia
Thursday, 14 February 2013

After swimming, Olivina from Caritas Tonga came to say thank you St Paul's Catholic School for your contributions of money. Olivina told us that Tonga has to sell things so that their kids can go to school and get clothes and food because Tonga is a small place and it is a poor place and there are many people living in Tonga. You can make lots of things with Mulberry trees just like what Olivina has around her hips. At Caritas, they help people in Tonga and other people around the world.
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Last week, I went to my nan's. I saw my cousin. We washed the car and tried to go on the computer but we had to do the password.We played in the shed because we got were bored. After that, I went home to play with my cat.
Waitangi Day

On Waitangi Day this year, I was helping my grandad with the car so that they would know where to park. I saw Sarah and Chelsea and they were helping too. They got me a hot dog, then we went on the playground. I saw my cousin and she gave me an ice cream. I saw my uncle then we went to see my nan at work.
New Zealand,
New Zealanders,
Waitangi Day
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